Monday, May 20, 2013

Guest Blogger - Stacey Caron from Spellbinders Paper Arts

Hello everyone, my name is Stacey Caron, and I have known Heidi since 2007, when she was chosen for the 2008 design team for my company, Spellbinders Paper Arts!  It is an honor to be a guest blogger for Heidi.  I was so touched when this idea came up and Heidi enthusiastically accepted.  As president of Spellbinders, you can probably imagine how many designers, I am exposed to. When looking for a creative person to join our design team, I look at the beauty of the projects they create, but just as important is the passion they have about Spellbinders and who they are as a person.  I can hardly put into words, how much this amazing woman means to me.  Heidi has a beautiful spirit and a kind heart.   She is a hard worker, talented beyond measure and loyal to her friends.  Most importantly she is a great mother to her boys and loving wife. 

I realized what a hilarious sense of humor she had when she presented the entire 2009 DT members with something special from the great state of Minnesota…Can you guess what is?  I will give you a clue…mystery meat…as in SPAM… Lol, that moment is sired in my memory forever! 

It has been a true honor and pleasure to work with Heidi, and I am constantly inspired by her.  On a side note, what would I ever do without my CHA floral goddess!!  Yes, Heidi dresses our trade show booth every single time with her beautiful floral arrangements!  Heidi, thank you from the bottom of my heart, here are a few art pieces of Heidi’s that truly inspire me! 

I LOVE jewelry!  Heidi’s whimsical style has always been able to capture me in a unique way.  When I look at Heidi’s Explore Necklace there is a fairy tale laying right there in front of me. 

This card is another example of how I am inspired by Heidi; she looks outside the obvious with our product and thinks about unique and different ways to inspire.  Heidi was one of our first designers to take the Butterfly Magic expandable pattern and fussy cut the butterfly to bring another dimension to the use of that template.

Heidi's ability to repurpose just about anything is what makes her such an amazing designer. She has this way of looking at whatever die I send her instantly seeing what projects she can create with it. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this post, and I hope that you will visit my blog every Friday, to see what has inspired me in the last week.



  1. What a heart-warming tribute from Stacey! And every bit of it is true. Even the Spam anecdote sounds just like you.
    Keep on inspiring us and amazing us with your creations.

  2. What a wonderful message from Stacy! Of course, I already know how talented you are but it always nice to hear it from someone in her position. Congratulations! sweet Heidi ;-)

  3. What sweet compliments from Stacey! You are a gem and I'm proud to call you a friend. You had me at spam you know! lol

  4. I was so lucky to be your roommate for that 2009 retreat!! We actually ate that Spam when I got home! LOL Much love to you both!

  5. What an awesome tribute. Your creativity is amazing. It is always fun to see what you will come up with next. You are one of the reasons I'm so addicted to Spellbinders dies.

  6. What a lovely post. Heartwarming, in fact.


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