Saturday, November 24, 2012

Warm Wishes Christmas Card

Hello!  I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends and lots of yummy food!  Were you one of the brave Black Friday shoppers yesterday?  We didn't venture out to the stores yesterday but we did do a little bit of shopping online.  I like the online shopping so much better--no crowds and you get the same great deals all from the comfort of your home.  

Today, I have a Christmas card to share with you using one of the new Die D-Lite die templates from Spellbinders.  You can click HERE to check out all of the new Die D-Lite dies.

Check out the beautiful details in the S2-020 Medallion Five Die D-Lites die template!  Just a little designer tip--when using very detailed die templates with intricate cut lines place a piece of wax paper in between the die template and cardstock.  When doing this you will be able to remove the die cut very easily.  

I used the S5-131 A2 Matting Basics A and S5-132 A2 Matting Basics B from the Card Creator die templates along with the S2-020 Medallion Five Die D-Lites to create all of the die cuts for the card.  I used White 130#Desire Metallic, Gold Mirror Mirri papers from

I layered all of the pieces on the card front and then I stamped the sentiment from JustRite Papercraft CR-03800 Large Fancy Holiday Sentiments.  Next I added some White Seam Binding from Really Reasonable Ribbon and then to finish off the card I added some bling (as seen in the photo above).

Thank you so much for stopping by today!

Hugs & Smiles,
Supplies  White 130#Desire Metallic, Gold Mirror Mirri
Stamps:  JustRite Papercraft CR-03800 Large Fancy Holiday Sentiments
Ink:  Imagine Crafts/Tsukineko Memento Tuxedo Black
Dies:  Spellbinders Paper Arts™ Grand Calibur® Machine, S2-020 Medallion Five Die D-Lites, S5-131 A2 Matting Basics A, S5-132 A2 Matting Basics B
Accessories:  Really Reasonable Ribbon White Seam Binding; Recollections Bling, Scrapbook Adhesives by 3L 3D Foam Squares

To find more inspiration please visit Spellbinders Blog.


  1. Great card, Heidi! Love these little Die D-Lites :)

  2. heidi,
    this is a great card..... and so simple yet elegant.


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