Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Back home from the Spellbinders retreat in Phoenix, AZ

I'm back home from the Spellbinders retreat in Phoenix and OMGosh what an Amazing time we had!!! It was so fantastic meeting all of the new ladies in the Spellbinders Design Team!! You are all in for a real treat this year, they are all so amazingly talented and a truly wonderful group of ladies!!

I have to say a HUGE Thank You to Stacey and Jeff Caron, Kim, Cathy, Eli, Terre and everyone in the office at Spellbinders who helped to make the retreat so completely Fabulous!!! I know they all put a lot of time and work into the retreat. We missed Beth, as she was at a Distributor’s event in California, but we called her a couple of times from Cathy's phone so we could all tell her hello! We were pampered like queens with all kinds of goodies from the time we arrived. We received numerous Spellbinders products such as the New Raspberry Wizard, die templates and the New Impressabilities (Love them!!!). There were also lots of surprises! Each day when we would return to our rooms we would find sweet little gifts and goodies from Stacey on our beds, fun things for pampering ourselves. We were also given some truly amazing Cross Promotional Products from many different companies and they were very generous!! And if that wasn't enough we also had a few surprise guests! Tobi Hall, VP of Marketing for Spellbinders came and gave us a wonderful presentation about Marketing. Katherine “Kat” George, Design Consultant had a presentation on Design Principal. I also joined in and taught a session on how to condition JustRite stamps. Ok, now this is the BIG ONE---Marianne Walker, the Queen of Copics from Copic Markers came to teach us all about Copic Markers and the Airbrush System. She is so amazing!!! Marianne spent two days with us it was a wonderful refresher for myself and for all of the ladies who weren't certified well guess what--now they are!!! The excitement in the room was hard to contain to say the least!!

Here's a few pictures of some of the wonderful products I was able to bring home--this is just what would fit in my suitcase!! There is more being shipped out!! Like I said the various companies were very generous with the Cross Promotional Products!!Thank you so much to all of the wonderful ladies on the Spellbinders 2009-2010 Design Team!!! We had many laughs, a few tears and a ton of memories were made with friendships that I know will be lasting!! Here's to a Fabulous Year with Spellbinders!!!

I will be posting more pictures from the retreat and some design work very soon! Also if you would like to check out the Spellbinders Design Team I have added a blog roll in my sidebar with all of the ladies on the DT that have blogs and you can also find out more about the DT on the Spellbinders Blog. Thanks so much for stopping by today and I hope you have a wonderful week!!



  1. I'm so jealous. I wanted so badly to be a part of this team. But I'm so happy for you and that you were chosen. You are soooo talented and you sooooo deserve this! God Bless!

  2. Oh my gosh! It's just like Christmas!

  3. Awesome!!! What a wonderful team to be a part of! They are lucky to have you! : )

  4. Thanks again for everything, from the airport to being my table partner!! Your creative mind is amazing!!! We each need to move towards the center of the state, so we could get together and stamp!!! ((((HUGS))))

  5. Heidi - it was fantastic to meet you as well! Your work is gorgeous. hugs, miss ya

  6. WOWSA ... now what a pile of loot!!! I'm so glad you're back (I missed you) and sounds like you had a jolly good time!! Can't wait to see new product artwork ... you are always SO CREATIVE!!! Again ... welcome back!

  7. Oi. Parabéns por seu excelente blog. Gostaria de lhe convidar para visitar meu blog e conhecer alguma coisa sobre o Brasil. Abração

  8. Wowzers!! I am green with envy! What a wonderful and generous company! Let me know how you like the Raspberry Wizard! Anxious to see some of your upcoming creations!!

  9. When I first saw pictures of paper craft stuff I started to drool and was hoping you were putting up the biggest blog candy evah! LOL! Then I read it and was green with envy. You were only a hop, skip and a jump away from where I live! You should have stopped by on your way home. ;-)

    What fun products you have there. I can't wait to see what you make with them!


Thank you so much for stopping by and taking the time to leave a comment!! I really appreciate it!!!