Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Spellbinders Designer Spotlight

Hello! I just wanted to let you all know that today is my day for the Spellbinders Designer Spotlight. Spellbinders has been doing the Designer Spotlights on the Spellbinders Blog so that people can get to know the designers a little better. Each of the designers is given a list of questions and then we get to look through the list and pick out a few we would like to answer. I have really enjoyed reading the answers from the other designers that have already been in the spotlight! Also a few of the designer's favorite art pieces are featured in the spotlight. If you would like to check out my Spellbinders Designer Spotlight click HERE and if you would like to read about the other designers who have already been in the Spotlight click HERE.

Thanks so much for stopping by today! Hope you have a Terrific Day!!



  1. Heidi - I was just over at Spellbinders and my goodness, you are amazing. I love the bird feeder and how you did the flowers on the layout. You are not the only one who struggles with organization - my husband told me the other night that it seems I spend more time organizing than creating, so I'm going to start focusing on creating more :) Have a good evening.

  2. went to spellbinders and your work is amazing

  3. Heidi, your new photo is gorgeous!
    I'm off to read more about you in the spotlight.

  4. I am new here! What a great blog! Hope you are having a great weekend! ♥ Hugs :


Thank you so much for stopping by and taking the time to leave a comment!! I really appreciate it!!!