Friday, July 20, 2007

Coming Home!!

I was going to post this on Friday and and then I realized the batteries in the camera were dead and I wasn't able to get any of the pictures off of it!! I have added a picture, it's one from the morning when they left and I will post more about the trip with some other pictures very soon.

This picture was taken about 5 minutes before they left to head out to the Pine Ridge, SD. It was a very beautiful morning with the sun shinning and we all gathered in a huge circle holding hands. We were singing and then Father Jim said a wonderful prayer. We took a few pictures and then they headed out.

Our oldest son is coming home today!! He has been a mission trip this past week with our church. This is the 1st time he has ever been on a mission trip. Last Sunday 25 Adults and Teenagers left to go to Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in SD. I have missed him sooooooo much!!!!! He has been to Boy Scout camp and for that they are gone for about a week and I am used to him doing that every year but this is so different!! I hope and pray that he had a good time. They say it is a very good but yet very long and hard week. The Pine Ridge Indian Reservation is the 2nd largest one in the US and it is also the 2nd poorest place in the nation. Part of the week while they are there they give back to the community and the paint houses, do small home repairs and stuff like that. Then the other part of the week they spend with the kids doing all kinds of activities- crafts, singing and just having fun being a kid. Everyone that went last year said it was truly a life changing experience. I am so very proud of him and I can't wait to give him a HUG and hear all about the mission trip!!! He should be home between 7-8 tonight!! Here are some pictures of them speaking in front of the church about a fund raiser that we did. I was so excited about the fund raiser!! I was in charge of a fund raiser that we did to try and help out with expenses for the mission trip. We had about 25 of the adults and teenagers (most who were going on the trip)get together for two weekends and do a ton of stamping!! We made 400 cards and packaged them up and about 80 stationary kits. We gave the sets of cards and stationary kits as a Thank You for the donations and I must say people were very generous!! We raise about $2600.00!!! Here are some pictures from the morning they left. I am hoping he took a bunch of pictures over the past week so I can post some of the things he did!! I also want to say thank you to our family and friends for all of your support and prayers!!!

I am only posting one picture this time and will post more soon. *wink*

1 comment:

  1. Great photo! I'll bet he was glad to be home. I had a friend who went on a mission trip there in HS, many, many, many years ago. His mom now goes every year in his memory (he died young), and she says its a fantastic time.


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