Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Quick Hello!

Hello everyone! Sorry it's been a few days since my last post! The last few days have been b-u-s-y. My Mom's birthday was last week and we got together with my Mom and Dad on Sunday to celebrate Mom's Bday, and then this past week I have been working on some orders that I have, making gifts for Evan's preschool teachers, working on a project to present to the youth group leaders of our church for a fund raiser, working on getting packets together for this weeks stamping class and also working on projects that I am going to be teaching at an upcoming class at the LSS
(The Stamp Studio). Oh yeah and planting some flowers in between all of that. *whew* I'm ready for a nap! LOL! One more thing before I forget--I'VE BEEN TAGGED! My great friend Dana tagged me. You have to check out her blog!! Just click on her name and *crosses fingers* it should take you to her blog. She does AWESOME design work and she is the one who designed my blog banner!! We met a couple of years ago on a message board that we both belonged to. Since I've been tagged I've been instructed to list 7 weird things or facts about myself. Hmmmm....
what to say? Well here goes----

1. Fact: I love trees, even the old dead ones that don't have leaves anymore. I love to look at all the twists and turns in the branches. My Grandpa tells me that I get that from my Grandma, Joann, he said she loved trees and loved to look at them and would always comment on the trees whenever they would be driving somewhere. The trees kind of remind me of people, they are all unique in their own way.

Weird: When I was little I secretly wanted to be a mermaid! I love the movie Peter Pan and I had the Gigantic Golden Book of Peter Pan and I always loved the Mermaids of Mermaid Laguna.

Weird: Whenever I eat a candy bar with chocolate I almost always eat all of the chocolate off of the candy bar and then eat the rest. Except for if I'm around someone who doesn't really know me, they might think it's just a little strange--ya know--lol!

4. Fact: By Best Friend's Name is Virginia and we have been friends since we were five years old. That is 30+ years!! We are more like sisters than friends. Love ya sweetie! *wink*

5. Weird: I hoard my embellishments. I'm always saving them for just the right project and love to sit and look at them and dream up different designs that I will "someday" do--LOL!! then I think to myself--how Crazy is that-use them already!! I am getting better, but still have a few I just can't part with!

6. Fact: I have a son and a stepson that both have the same 1st name, Dustin. They also have the same initials all the way through their names, DCB. It can get a little confusing-lol! So when they are together one goes by his first name and the other one goes by his middle name.

Weird: When I was younger I was so obsessed with having my penmanship perfect that if I was writing a paper or note or anything for that matter and I messed something up I would crumple it all up and start over. Now that's crazy!!

Ok, that's my seven things. Now who do I tag?? I don't really know that many people with blogs so I guess I will just wait to tag someone and in the meantime maybe some of you that read my blog want to leave me a comment and tell a fact about yourself or something weird. How does that sound? Come on and play along! :)

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