Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Sorry I have been MIA - Life update

Hello everyone!  I know it has been awhile since my last blog post.  Sorry I have been MIA for the past few weeks!  

My husband is a pretty private person and I respect that so I am not going to go in to all of the details but he had to have surgery a few weeks ago.  The surgery was successful and we received very good news from the doctor so we are very happy and thankful.  

A lot of you who have been following my blog for awhile know that I have RA.  I don't talk much about it or try to dwell on it I just try to manage the pain.  About a week before my husband's surgery I started having a lot of pain on my right side--neck, back, shoulder, arm, and down to my fingertips. At first I thought I was having a bad flare up from the RA but it just kept getting worse and the pain was unbearable.  Then I started to have numbness and tingling in my hand and fingers so I knew something was going on and it was more than just the RA.  After my husband came home from the hospital (we were out of town) then I was able to get in to see my regular doctor.  I've had RA for about 8 years now and I remember when I was first diagnosed the doctor told me that 1--there was no known cure, just pain management and 2--a lot of people who have RA can end up also having fibromyalgia, lupus, or other types of auto immune diseases.  So I wasn't completely shocked when the doctor told me that in addition to the RA I also have fibromyalgia.  But it also wasn't the news I was hoping for--I was hoping I maybe just had a pinched nerve or something like that.  My doctor said the pain was so severe because the RA and the fibro were both flaring up at the same time.  She said to think of it like a tooth ache with an exposed nerve but she said this would be more like a 1000 tooth aches with exposed nerves all at once.  So needless to say I have been very medicated for the past couple of weeks trying to get the nerves to clam down and not have such severe pain.  I can tell the medicine is starting to work but I still have a lot of pain and the medication makes me kind of loopy and very sleepy so I have kind of stayed away from my blog and anything with social media--I don't want to end up posting something that sounds totally crazy--plus the meds make it kind of hard to concentrate.  I haven't done hardly any creative work the past couple of weeks but I do have a few projects that are done and I will post them when I can.  I am excited to share my first ICE Resin® DT project with all of you and that will be another post going up today.  

So I just wanted to give you a little life update and let you know why I haven't been around.  I am hopeful that over the next few days things will keep getting better and I can get back to doing what I love.  

Thanks for hanging in there with me and I hope you will stop back to see 
my first ICE Resin DT project!  



  1. oh, bummer. take care of yourself and know that we will be here when you are ready. go ahead and write a really crazy post and save it for april 1st. :) be sure that you keep your health number one.

  2. Heidi, been worried about you. Figured you had a lot on your plate but wow...didn't expect this kind of plateful! Prayers of good recovery to Eric and a gentle & warm hug to you, sweet friend! Can't wait to see your project xo

  3. Heidi i hope your pain gets easier soon, and your Husband gets stronger each day after his surgery .
    God Bless.
    Elaine H X

  4. Very best wishes and support. Take it easy and rest....Enjoy your husband and both of you take the time you need to heal...

  5. Heidi, you've had your hands full, Dear Heart. Sending prayers for strength, healing and comfort for both you and your hubby. Hugs, Nancy Pence

  6. Heidi, I am so sorry you have had such a rough couple of weeks. Blessings to you and your hubby and get well wishes all the way around. Being in pain like that is so awful. Rest and take care of yourself. Hugs!

  7. so sorry that you are having to deal with so much all at once. Sending big hugs to you and your husband. Hopefully things will calm down for your family soon {{{HUGS}}}

  8. Oh Heidi, I'm sorry... chronic illness is no fun.

  9. So sorry you are having so much pain. I know how you feel, I have RA and I have been having some pain as well although I do not have fibro. I hope you are without pain soon, we have missed you!

  10. Thinking of you and sending lots of positive thought and prayers for better days ahead.

  11. Take care, Heidi. Have been praying for you. Glad to hear there is improvement. Better days are coming!

  12. Thinking of you! Prayers, love, and good vibes coming your way. Take care of you!

  13. Praying for healing for both you and your husband. Know caring thoughts are with you.

  14. As a fellow chronic pain sufferer my heart goes out to you!! IT is so hard to have an "invisible" illness because people look at you on good days and think you are faking or being over dramatic. It has been 10 years since my condition hit me and still get people who tell me to "get over it"!
    I hope your pain eases and that your husband's recovery goes smoothly! Sending prayers and healing thoughts your way!

  15. I hope you feel better soon Heidi!! I will keep you and your family in my prayers. Hugs and blessings!!

  16. Awe! Heidi, I can so relate to your pain sweetheart! I just said a heartfelt prayer and asked Jesus to give you what you need, whether it be pain relief or a full healing would be great! I will keep praying for you doll! Hugs Lori

  17. I am so sorry to hear of your illnesses. We never know what the Lord has for us and why we have it. I will be praying for you. God will certainly give you the strength to deal with all of this!

  18. {{{Heidi!}}} Wish I had a magic pill to make it all better, sweet lady. Praying for you this very minute!

  19. Big and yet gentle hugs for you Heidi. I'm so very sorry you have been going through all of this and hope it improves very soon! xx

  20. Glad to hear that your husband is feeling better and back to work. Sad to hear that your are suffering. I have RA but very manageable right now but I also have a disorder called Chiari Malformation and Syringomyelia. The Syringomyelia causes pain, numbness & tingling in the hands and feet. I am under the care of a wonderful Neurologist, after trying 4 others and right away she prescribed Gabapentin and the nerves pain stopped right away.Thought maybe this might work for you also. Hope you feel better soon and get relief.


Thank you so much for stopping by and taking the time to leave a comment!! I really appreciate it!!!