Sunday, November 25, 2012

Your Special Day & a Few Wedding Pictures

Hello blogging friends!  A couple of weeks ago my cousin Cassie and her new husband Adam were married.  They had a beautiful wedding ceremony, a wonderful reception and a great dance.  Today, I am sharing the wedding card that I made for them and for those of you who aren't on FB a couple of pictures from the wedding.  

Here is the wedding card that I designed.  The colors/theme of the wedding was peacock feathers.  Love that beautiful blue color!  I used Simply Smooth White paper for the base of the card.  Then I layered Gold Mirror Mirri and Simply Smooth White papers.  I used S5-131 A2 Matting Basics A for the Gold Mirror Mirri and S5-132 A2 Matting Basics B and S5-152 Fancy Lattice to create the white lattice piece.  Before I die cut the lattice piece I applied a piece of Adhesive Sheets to the back of the Simply Smooth White.  I used S5-132 A2 Matting Basics B to make the first cut of the paper and then I used the S5-152 Fancy Lattice.  Peel of the backing of the Adhesive Sheets and apply to the Gold Mirror Mirri paper for a perfect fit.

For the sentiment I used gold pigment ink and gold embossing powder with the stamps from CR-03825 Ever After Antique Labels stamp set from JustRite Papercraft.  Then I used S5-148 Decorative Labels Eight to cut/emboss the shape.  Before removing the paper from the die template I used Coipc Marker B04 Tahitian Blue to airbrush the inside edges of the label.  I added 3D Foam Squares to the back of the label for a little dimension.  I added a couple of stickpins for embellishments and then added a seam binding bow using Peacock and Dusty Olive Seam Binding from Really Reasonable Ribbon.   I also added a few pearls.

I used a garment pin and added a tiny pearl heart to the bow.

Now for a look at the beautiful couple on their wedding day.

In the church where they were married there were stained glass windows that were up at the top and they were the whole length of the church.  It was the perfect time of day for the light to shine through creating the beautiful display in the background.

I love her bouquet!!  She had silk flowers and then a mix of new and antique broaches.  The butterfly was in memory of Alex, Cassie's sisters little girl that passed away a few years ago.  The family always has butterflies in memory of sweet little Alex.  

This is a picture frame that Cassie's dad made for one of their wedding presents and I painted the sentiment on the frame.  One of their engagement pictures is in the frame.

Thank you so much for stopping by today and for letting me share a little bit of my family with you.

I hope you have a wonderful day!

Hugs & Smiles,

Stamps:  JustRite Papercraft  CR-03825 Ever After Antique Labels
Paper: Simply Smooth White, Gold Mirror Mirri
Ink:  Gold Pigment Ink; Coipc Marker B04 Tahitian Blue
Dies:  Spellbinders Paper Arts™ Grand Calibur® Machine, S5-148 Decorative Labels Eight, S5-131 A2 Matting Basics A, S5-132 A2 Matting Basics B, S5-152 Fancy Lattice
Accessories:  Really Reasonable Ribbon Peacock and Dusty Olive Seam Binding; Stickpins; Garment Pin; Pearl Heart, Scrapbook Adhesives by 3L 3D Foam Squares, Adhesive Sheets

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful card and frame Silke...they will both be treasured! TFS the wedding pictures as well...that background is lovely with the light shining thru the stained glass....looks like a card creation...LOL! Better yet, it is God's creation!
    Paper Hugs,


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