Thursday, November 17, 2011

On a personal note

Good morning blogging friends. I am sorry I don't have any artwork or tutorials for you today. I tend not to share a whole lot of personal stuff on my blog but you are all such wonderful and loyal followers and I just feel that I need to share this.

A few of my close friends know that I have RA but I tend not to talk about it or dwell on it much because it is something that over the past few years is just a part or my life and something I have had to learn to deal with. I started noticing changes a while ago and things have increasingly become worse. When I was first diagnosed with RA about 4 1/2 years ago it was just in my left shoulder and arm and now it is throughout my body. My biggest fear was getting it in my hands. I use my hands all the time to create and my hands are my job. Unfortunately this past year it has moved into my hands. So I have been dealing with all of the physical changes over the past few years. I have good days and bad days but recently I have been having a lot of issues and a lot of pain. I have been seeing my doctor and he told me that yes a lot of the pain is from the RA but he also thinks that I have to much on my plate and a lot of the pain is being brought on by stress. Also some of my numbers from tests and blood pressure are really high, which isn't good.

Sometimes things happen in our lives that really force us to take a look at the big picture and sometimes that forces us to make some tough choices. Following the advice of my doctor I am making some changes in my life and trying to lessen the stress level. I have made the decision to step back from some things in my creative life. Please don't worry I will still be here creating--my creativity is SO important to me!! But I am having to step back from somethings to lighten the load. My RA is nothing that can't be handled but like I said it is forcing me to make some tough choices.

Thank you for letting me share and thank you for stopping by today.

Hugs & Smiles,


  1. Saying a prayer for you - and hoping that as you re prioritize you will feel better. Amazing how quickly all those little things we do add up to a great deal and we can feel overwhelmed without even realizing we are. Hugs.

  2. good luck with your life reorganization - I hope you find a balance that will allow you to enjoy the things you love.
    take care.

  3. Oh Heidi - I am so sorry! It is just not fair when our bodies start giving out on us. RA is such a hateful disease. I am praying for you as you take a step back and reassess. Know that I will be here no matter how few creations you are able to make :) Big hugs!

  4. Sometimes those life choices that are forced on us come with surprises. May you find some delight in these! My Mom also suffers from RA so I understand the difficulty and pain (sewing is her passion). Feel the cyber hugs coming your way!

  5. Oh, Heidi, I am so sorry to hear about this. Please let me know if I can do anything to help! Sending you prayers of healing, my friend! xo

  6. I'm a "silent" blog follower but wanted to pass on some information that may be helpful to you. My ten year old daughter was diagnosed with CRMO last fall...chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis. You can google it if interested but basically it's a rare inflammatory disease of the bone. She has been on rx anti-inflammatories for a year but we've recently discovered that a home remedy of ginger tonic that works wonders. (it's a natural anti-inflammatory) Please see this blog post of mine ( for further information. Good luck to you.

  7. I am an avid admirer of your creations, and although I will miss your work, I encourage you to take good care of yourself. Being healthy is utmost to being able to normally function day to day. You are in my prayers for healing. Take care and God Bless You.

  8. Hugs and prayers Heidi. I think we would all love to see you continue but only if it is not painful for you! We will take what we can get. Please take care of yourself first! We will still be checking in on you!
    Hugs, ~Jody

  9. Heidi, so sorry to hear your news,
    and yes stress can do awful things....I am a HUGE FAN of yours
    and will miss your GORGEOUS CREATIONS but as was said in previous posts it is time to take time for yourself and surprisingly other "doors" will open....Thanks for sharing that with us....

    Sending healing hugs,

  10. Heidi so sorry to hear of your health problems,my thoughts and prayers are with you ,please be good to yourself and know that all of your blog family will keep you in our prayers.

  11. Heidi- I think your first priority should be YOU and your family- yes we all love your amazing work-you were one of the first blogs I found and admire your creative process immensely you are always a fresh inspiration to me but your health is too important to ignore- create as a relaxation/diversion,post when you can and relax as much as possible - having suffered from stress it is easy to try to carry on but believe me it makes things worse- step back and look and prioritise you will make the right decisions as you progress- good luck and I will still be a subscriber so when you post I will see it- THANK YOU

  12. Will keep you in my prayers. Remember that at times, you must put yourself first.

  13. Hello Heidi from Australia,
    I am sorry to hear of your illness. I love your work, you are amazing. You are doing the right thing by cutting back. I will always look forward to your email etc. when you create.
    Take care you are in my thought and prayers.
    hugs Lynne

  14. Heidi, so sorry to hear this news. I hope with a little less stress you will be able to manage the pain once again. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Good luck with all you attempt. I am an email subscriber so when you post I'll get it. Take Care & Big Hugs!!

  15. Blessing to you Heidi! I sometime feel my blogging is stressful but I love it. I have RA in my shoulder and neck. I love all your work. I am subscriber and I get your postings. So I am out here when you are.
    Gental hugs,

  16. I have enjoyed and appreciated your creative talents. I also appreciate you sharing with your followers about your illness. As you can see, we are all keeping you in our thoughts and prayers during this very difficult time. I will continue to look forward to your work when you feel like posting, but understand when you do not. You must take care of yourself first.

  17. It is always obvious from your work that creating beauty is such a huge part of you. Please do everything you can to relieve stress and find balance (my quest, as well), and find new ways to create during this season of simplicity. My prayers are with you.

  18. blessings and all good things to you. i am sorry that you are going thru this, i know how i felt when i became disabled even tho i knew it was coming . hard to take these changes in our lives. create when and what you want. post when and what you want, you only have this one life.

  19. Heidi,
    I have always loved your creations:)

    My prayers are with you. I have Behcets which in laymen's terms is an arthritis of the blood vessels. So whatever blood vessel of the day is inflamed is the organ of the day not working correctly. I so understand the challenges you face. I started scrapbooking as therapy to help me deal with the stress and to make sure my children knew my story in case I died. (It has caused a heart attack.) Scrapbooking has been a wonderful therapy.

    With Behcets it often involves the eyes and my biggest fear is going blind and not being able to create.Or for the arthritis to get some bad my hands won't work. I have already had to stop the needlework. So I understand how hard this is for you. I have learned to enjoy the days that I can create and not to feel bad on the days I can't. It just makes it more precious when I can. Big hugs to you while you learn how to work with the RA:)

  20. Wishing you all the best. Make yourself number one priority and take care of yourself. I, too, have multiple health issues and dread the thought of not being able to creat as it is very therapeutic for me. Go easy on yourself and take one day at a time.

  21. Hi Heidi,
    I have also have RA but it is only in my fingers. At first there was pain, but several years later the pain is gone. That's not to say that I don't have issues. I can't make a fist, and the some joints just don't bend anymore. But the good news is it has not slowed me down. I have taken up knitting again, and still make cards, and quilts. I hope that your RA does the same. The humera and methodrexate really worked! Love ya, Sandy

  22. Heidi, It is so important to for you take the "me" time that it necessary when you have an auto-immune illness. I have Lupus and also have good and bad days. My prayers are with you.

  23. Balance is soooooo important, so you are making wise decisions...I will certainly keep you in my thought and prayers as you make your choices! You know Heidi, we will all be here even if you do not post EVERYDAY! You will NOT be letting your fans need to take care of that stress level! We love you, your sweet spirit, and wonderful creativity!
    Paper Hugs,

  24. I will be praying for you sweet Heidi. Maybe you should look into alternative medicine. I believe with all my heart that eating healthy, exercising, taking natural vitamins can change health issues. Dr. Mercola has great information on his website about RA,, or go to the RA link:
    I wish you the best and a fast recovery! May the Lord bless you and give you the strength you need. Hugs!

  25. I have had RA since I was 16, and I am now 56, I can relate to what your going thru. Everyone is different when it comes to this awful disease, and for those who does not suffer 24/7 they will never what makes you happy. And never let this get in you down, although you will go thru grieving stages, as you lost what you thought was a good life...its still a wonderful life...don't let it win mentally.
    Sending good thoughts your way.

  26. Heidi, I want to encourage you to to have hope. No disease is incurable, the stress that caused it can can be reversed. I also have RA and am doing very well. I am believing for complete recovery. If you can contact me, I will send you some information that has helped me. God Bless! Pam

  27. Heidi, I want to add my best wishes to you and I honor your decision to reduce stress in your life. I hope for you the best in disease management, my BIL's RA has been in remission for 20 years! Just this morning I was thinking to myself that living, just living, actually takes time and sometimes slowing down honors just living.

  28. I'm so sorry, I will keep you in my prayers.

  29. Heidi -
    I have been a fan of yours for some time now. Your creations really are incredibly gorgeous and it is obvious that creativity is in your genes. I wish you love and luck in taming this disease so you can live the life you choose. We will all miss your frequent postings but we will be content to know that you are doing what is best for YOU. I wish you happiness and good health as you de-stress your life!

  30. Hello Heidi! Know you are being lifted up in prayer and many friends are rallying around you. We so enjoy your work, but to be creative one must feel good. Do take the needed rest and recovery. When one door closes another opens! Hopefully this restful time will help you to see the path you are to follow!
    My thoughts and loving prayers will be with you and your family as you adjust.

  31. Hugs to you Heidi. You and your health should always come first. Although we do not always take care of it that way. I have limited internet so I follow your blog on my own but you are one of my "favs". Take time to rest, relax and enjoy the holidays.

  32. So sorry to hear about your illness. I have lupus so I can totally relate. I think you are making a very wise decision. I am much healthier when I take it easy. make sure you insist on getting enough medication to be relatively pain free. It makes a huge difference on your stress levels. If your doctor is reluctant to give you pain meds, insist on visiting a pain clinic. Of course you want the inflammation to be under control to manage the symptoms but until then or if full control isn't in the cards, at least make sure you can live comfortably. I'm on long acting morphine every day and it makes a world of difference. After Getting used to it, I can do everything I used to do, including drive. Best wishes

  33. Thank you so much for sharing. I will keep you in my prayers as you determine what changes you need to make.

  34. I'm so sorry about your health issues. My cousin has been dealing with RA for quite some time probably 7-10 yrs. but with a lot of things she has figured out that she can and cannot do, she is enjoying life. My thoughts & prayers are with you! May God bless you and keep your spirits uplifted.

  35. I am so glad that you shared this with us. I feel better knowing that someone else in is the same boat as I am and has to make decision because of health issues. I too suffer from pain due to an automobile accident 12 years ago and having just had a 7th surg in less than 3 years, I too have to step back and that is very hard when you are a person that has always been active and on the go all the time. I am still able to get out and about, but my biggest problem is saying "NO" to myself. Because my mind days I can still do it. I totally understand what you say about having to cut back, but is "ain't" easy. God be with you and I will keep you in my prayers.

  36. Heide, My heart goes out to you and I understand more than you know. I will keep you in my prayers.
    Jan Marie

  37. I'm so very sorry to hear of your RA, Heidi. There seem to be so many in the crafting community who have to deal with serious health issues. Maybe that's why we're so drawn to be creative. I don't know.

    I've said a prayer of healing for you & pray that you are able to do the things that bring you happiness & joy. I've enjoyed your blog so many times & am amazed by your talent. Thank you for sharing.

    Huggies & Blessings ~

  38. Heidi...hang in there. You are right to step back. Your health is most important. I know we'll be seeing you from time to time and we will cherish each visit with you.... I wish you a most happy holiday season.

  39. Oh Heidi . . sometimes life throws us a curve and we just have to go with it. You are in my prayers always and are an inspiration for your strength, grace, and courage during difficult times like this. HUGS!

  40. I have recently started to follow your blog and I so sorry to hear about your health problems. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers and I hope that you find peace and less stress in your life. You are so creative that I hope there's some way you can enjoy this for yourself. Thank you for your beautiful designs! God Bless you!

  41. I will keep you in my prayers, you are truely a inspriation. Thanks for sharing your story.

  42. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers that you start feeling better soon.


  43. So sorry to hear this Heidi!
    I hope you can get the relief you need ASAP. It's OK to step back and take care of yourself!


  44. Hugs and prayers going out to you Heidi. I think you are so smart and so brave to make changes in your life. Hang in there.

  45. Heidi, I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers! Sometimes making those necessary changes can be scary but when God closes one door he opens another. Blessings to you and your family as you brave the new.


Thank you so much for stopping by and taking the time to leave a comment!! I really appreciate it!!!