Thursday, July 9, 2009

Demoing Spellbinders and JustRite Stampers at Scrapping On The Go!!!

Hello! I hope you are all having a wonderful week! My week has been going pretty good, just really busy getting ready for the Spellbinders Blog Frenzy, if you haven't heard all about it click HERE to check it out. The Spellbinders Blog Frenzy just started today, Debbie Olson is kicking it off so hop on over to her blog and see the beautiful projects she created!! I have been having a lot of fun working with some of the new products from JustRite Stampers and I will be sharing some new projects with you soon! CHA is just around the corner!!I am also going to be doing a demo this Saturday at Scrapping On The Go from 1-3pm, here in Albert Lea. Tammy Marti, owner of Scrapping On The Go, carries Spellbinders products and just recently started carrying JustRite Stampers products--how Fantastic is that!! So I am going to be demoing Spellbinders and JustRite Stampers products. I will be demoing several techniques with both products and showing you how perfectly they go together. We will also be doing a make-n-take so you can get some hands on experience with the products and we have a couple of surprises for you too! If you live in the surrounding area I hope you will stop in at Scrapping On the Go for the Demo, I would love to see you there!!
Scrapping On the Go!

** Store ** Location

1428 W. Main St
Albert Lea, MN 56007
(Prairie Center - across from the Skyline Plaza)


Tues 10am-5:30 am
Wed-Fri 10am-5:30 pm

Sat 10am-3:30 pm

Open until 10pm on Craft Night

The cards I have posted to share with you are some sample cards that I made for Scrapping On The Go awhile back. I hope you enjoy them! Thanks so much for stopping by and maybe if you live in the area I'll be seeing you this weekend at the demo!


  1. Hi Heidi,
    I wanted to say Thank you for coming to the shop on Sat! I have had several people tell me thank you and they were so happy to have you at the shop! They learned a lot from you and agian, they can hardly wait for the next one! Also, thank you for bringing some of your samples. A little something for everyone to see and you know everyone loves your work!

    Hugs~ Tammy

  2. Heidi your cards are awesome
    I need the stamp set you used on the first card. I am off to find it :)
    Thank you for sharing. Can't wait to see your post tomorrow have a great day.


Thank you so much for stopping by and taking the time to leave a comment!! I really appreciate it!!!