Tuesday, September 4, 2007

A Great Day!

The day went great for both of the boys!!

Our youngest DS had a BLAST and is so excited that he gets to go back tomorrow!! He even brought his 1st paper home to put on the frig! He was so proud-he got them all right and had a big star on his paper!! I love that he is so excited!!!

Our oldest DS had a great day too!! He said he really likes his teachers-they are so COOL! Also he didn't get lost at the new HS-which is a huge plus-lol!! A bunch of his older friends were teasing him today, when he came home from school he said I've already been picked up and carried through the school--he was laughing so hard when he was telling me all about it! The joys of HS!!

I really enjoyed my day but it felt a little strange not having them here. One of my GF told me--oh that will pass--LOL!!

1 comment:

  1. glad it turned out ok for the boys! and remember mom to enjoy doing things you like. and i am always here for a phone call-hint hint;)


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