Monday, April 30, 2007


Look what I caught! My 1st fish for the year!
This past weekend the weather here has been just beautiful! It is so nice to see the sunshine and the green grass. We went on a little fishing outing on Saturday. Our oldest wasn't feeling the best so he didn't come with. But our youngest was so excited, he has been practicing casting with his Spider Man fishing poll! He has gotten really good at casting and can get it out there! Also this year he's not afraid of the worms and even helped to get the worm on the hook.
We only caught a couple of little pan fish and they were tiny-lol-as you can see in the picture! But Evan was so excited, he almost forgot what to do!!

We went to a spot where I used to go with my Grandma and Grandpa when I was little. I was such a tom boy when I was little, didn't mind dirt a bit! I have many fond memories with my Grandma and Grandpa that I will always cherish.
The sky was so picture perfect, with all the different shades of blue and the fluffy white clouds. I took a picture with my new camera and it turned out so beautiful I just had to share it! I hope you take a little time everyday to enjoy the beauty of nature.


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